Nulled Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX Free Download
are you looking for Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX nulled Free Download. if yes, then you can download Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX right away.
Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX Free Download is one of the best out there. so get Nulled Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX Free Download
Nulled Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX Free Download
– Version 1.4.1 is out! 26-4-2017
– Version 1.4 is out! 01-03-2016 (See changelog – click here to see how you update)
– Version 1.3 is out! 11-03-2015
– Version 1.2 is out! 09-03-2015
– Version 1.1 is out! 04-03-2015
Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX
‘Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX’ is a script to manage your users and protect pages from people who are not logged in, or do not have enough permissions.
The script has a lot of features to make it work as you want it to work.
Also the script has a powerful API to make it easy to integrate it into your website, for example you can easily display user info on your current website.
Or you can have secure content on a page, that only admins can see, or only specific user levels.
This script is easy to install in your current website, you just have to upload it, run the installation and you can secure your pages with just 2 lines of code.
Demo version
You can go to the demo version to see the control panel and what settings there are.
You can login with:
Username: admin
Password: admin
Username: user
Password: user
Main features
I would recommend you to try the demo because it would give you a better view of the possibilities of this script, but here are some main features:
- Social login with Google+, Facebook and Twitter
- Easy language integration (Default: English, Dutch, Spanish, Deutsch, Russian, Slovak and Portuguese)
- Bootstrap 3
- Registration fee using Stripe or PayPal
- Highly customizable
- Easy installation, just drag ‘n drop with an install script
- Powerful API to protect your content in different ways
- reCAPTCHA integration possible
- Customizable inputs with HTML5 options with no limit
- Customizable permission groups with no limit
- Sending mails via PHPMailer local or via SMTP
- Customizable mails
- Easy to manage our users
- Statistics
- Public profiles option
- Some handy tools
- And a lot more…
You can go to online documentation to see what this script is capable of and if it matches what you are seeking.
The script works with PHP 5.3 or later, if you have a problem just contact me and I will help you with it.
If you have any questions, feature requests or bug reports, just post them in the comments or contact me.
I will answer your questions as soon as possible and if you found a bug or have a feature request, I will add it.
Note that a feature request must be reasonable, I won’t add something only a number of people want, it has to be useful for everyone.
Upcoming features
- New payment system to charge users for permission levels
- Ticket system
- More functions for the API
Version 1.4.1 is out! - Fixed Facebook login - Updated PHPMailer for security reasons --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.4 is out! == FEATURES == - Added user registration in the control panel for admins - Added user online function - Added option to inputs to give them a public name - Added option to change the timezone - Added send message button on public profiles == NEW LANGUAGES == - Added Russian to the languages (thanks to Patrik (http://codecanyon.net/user/patrikmichnac)) - Added Slovak to the languages (thanks to Patrik (http://codecanyon.net/user/patrikmichnac)) - Added Spanish to the languages (thanks to VPDD (http://codecanyon.net/user/VPDD)) - Added Portuguese to the languages (thanks to LeiltonRibeiro (http://codecanyon.net/user/leiltonribeiro)) - Added Deutsch to the languages (thanks to JackSenn (http://codecanyon.net/user/jacksenn)) (please report any mistakes) == GENERAL == - Fixed major security issue - Updated Bootstrap to v.3.3.5 - Database has been restyled and improved - Multiple small changes and additions and improvements - (important) Bug fixes == UPCOMING == v1.5 will contain the following features: - New payment system to charge users for permission levels - Ticket system --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.3 is out! - Updated reCAPTCHA to the new No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA (http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.gr/2014/12/are-you-robot-introducing-no-captcha.html) - Some small changes - Important bug fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.2 is out! What's different? - Added Google+ as login method - Added Facebook as login method - Added Twitter as login method - It is now possible to locate this script in a different directory. - Added icons in the admin panel - Added basic public profiles (access them with profile.php?u=USERNAME or profile.php?id=USERID) - bug fixes - language fixes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 is out! What's different? - Added Stripe as payment gateway - Added select to inputs - Added possibility to retry a payment, or resend a validation mail - bug fixes - language fixes - typo fix
Nulled Advanced Login & User Management PHP/AJAX Free Download
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