Nulled GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme Free Download
are you looking for GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme nulled Free Download. if yes, then you can download GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme right away.
GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme Free Download is one of the best out there. so get Nulled GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme Free Download
Nulled GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme Free Download
GoGreen is an eco recycling WordPress theme, that would be a perfect choice for waste management, alternative energy, eco technologies, environmental protection company WordPress website.
Electronic waste recycling is an eco-friendly technology that is gaining popularity in the modern society, so you definitely want your website to meet all the standards of the given sphere and have all the necessary sections to become a highly informative and successful web space.
The theme comes in light and dark versions, as well as boxed and wide layout variations. Features fonts from Google Fonts Library and FontAwesome icons. It’s going to be very easy-to-customize because the theme’s code is perfectly formatted and commented.
So don’t stay behind the tendencies of our tech and internet-oriented society and hurry up to have your own website!
And in case you need any help with setting things up and running – we’re always ready and glad to help!
Template Features
Credits and Sources
- Twitter Bootstrap v3 – powerfull CSS framework.
- Unyson Framework – WordPress plugin for theme developers.
- http://www.google.com/fonts/ – Google WebFonts
- http://www.socicon.com/ – Social Icons Font
- http://fontawesome.io/ – Font Awesome
- http://icomoon.io/ – teaser rt-icons font
- modernizr-2.6.2.min.js detecting browsers features.
- jquery-2.2.4.min.js is a popular JavaScript library.
- bootstrap.min.js is a stantard Twitter Bootstrap library.
- respond.min.js is required for Twitter Bootstrap v3 work in older browsers.
- html5shiv.min.js adds HTML5 compatibility for older browsers.
- superfish.js is a script that enables dropdown menu.
- hoverIntent.js is a component for superfish menu.
- jquery.flexslider-min.js is a jQuery plugin for main and bottom sliders.
- jquery.isotope.min.js is a jQuery plugin for filtrable gallery.
- jquery.prettyPhoto.js is a jQuery plugin for displaying lightbox content.
- jquery.ui.totop.js is a jQuery plugin for toTop button.
- jquery.easing.1.3.js is a jQuery plugin for different types of animation
- jquery.scrollTo-min.js and jquery.localscroll-min.js needed for smooth single page navigation.
- jquery.easypiechart.min.js is a jQuery plugin that uses the canvas element to render simple pie charts for single values.
- jquery.jflickrfeed.min.js plugin makes it easy to pull Flickr feeds and display them on your site.
- jquery.tweet.min.js plugin enables twitter widget on your site.
- owl.carousel.min.js is a jQuery carousel plugin for “partners” section
- jquery.bxslider.min.js is a jQuery slider plugin
- jquery.nicescroll.min.js is a plugin used to replace browsers standard scroll bar
- jquery.fractionslider.min.js is a great slider plugin for main slider
- jquery.parallax-1.1.3.js is used for parallax backgrounds.
- jquery.appear.js is used to find out if HTML element is inside browser viewport
- jquery.countTo.js is used for teasers with counter
- jquery.cookie.js is used for store cookies information in template
- depositphotos.com
- danielezedda.com
- foodiesfeed.com
- gratisography.com
- magdeleine.co
- picjumbo.com
- picography.co
- unsplash.com
- freepsdfiles.net
- free-logo-design.net
NOTE: The images used in the template are not included in the main download file, they are only for the preview purpose.
Nulled GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme Free Download
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GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme purchase code
GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme nulled download
GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme licence code
GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme free purchase code
purchase code for GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme
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GoGreen – Waste Management and Recycling WordPress theme review