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Nulled Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin Free Download
Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin
Slider Revolution (Revolution Slider) is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time!
Slider Revolution Highlights
Front Page Designer
Slider Revolution is not only for “Sliders”. You can now build a beautiful one-page web presence with absolutely no coding knowledge required.
To get you started fast, we included a ton of premade examples that come with all assets included!
- Create Beautiful One-Page Websites
- Lots of Examples included
- Works Great on any Device (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
- No Coding Knowledge necessary!
Drag & Drop Visual Slider Building
Building sliders has never been easier!
Even though Slider Revolution is sporting an impressive number of options, even beginners will manage to create beautiful presentations with our new, more intuitive workflow.
- Text, Image, Video, Shortcode, HTML Content Layers
- Complete Graphical User Interface
- Custom Slide Content for different Devices
- Full Control over Styles, Animations, Transitions
Fully Responsive Solution
We made sure that Slider Revolution looks great and is intuitive to use on every device, be it desktop computers, tablets or smartphones.
- Works on Desktops, Notebooks, Tablets & Smartphones
- Optimised for Android & Apple Devices
- Custom Slide Content for different Devices
- Fallback Options for Mobile Devices
True Multi-Media Content
We want Slider Revolution to integrate into your website as seamlessly as possible. Why not show any content with it?
- Regular Image Display with Bulk Upload
- HTML5, YouTube & Vimeo Video Support
- Popular Social Media Content Stream
- WordPress Post & Custom Posts
Navigation Designer
You get tons of navigation styles for bullets, arrows, tabs & thumbnails with Revolution Slider. The kicker is that you can now easily modify or create your own sets of navigation elements!
- Arrows, Bullet, Tab, Thumbnail Navigation
- Lots of “Ready to Use” Styles included
- Markup and Style Builder with Preview
- Export your own Navigation Sets!
We take Security Seriously
Our Slider Revolution WordPress Plugin is regularly audited by professional researchers at Dewhurst Security to make sure that it’s no threat to the security of your WordPress website.
- Checked WordPress Plugin Security
- New Update Notifications via the Backend
- Constantly Maintained ThemePunch Quality
Optimized Performance
Good looks aren’t everything, so we made sure that
Slider Revolution also loads lightning fast!
- Loaded core file size automatically scales with used features
- Intelligent Lazy Loading options
- SEO Optimization
- Monitor and optimize all aspects of your sliders
- Advanced Debugging Options
Plugin Version / Compatibility
- Version 5.4.8 StarPath Release Date 20.06.2018
- WordPress 4.x Ready
- jQuery 1.7.x – jQuery 1.10.x and jQuery 2.+ Compatible
Visit our detailled FAQ Site
Alternatives to this Product
- jQuery-only Version: Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin
- PrestaShop Version:
Slider Revolution Responsive Prestashop Module - Magento Version:
Slider Revolution Responsive Magento Extension - Opencart Version:
Slider Revolution Responsive Opencart Extension - Drupal Version:
Slider Revolution Responsive Drupal Extension
Plugin Features
The Technology
Our premise is “less is more” and that is reflected in the structure of our components. In order to incorporate so much functionality into our plugins, we make sure everything is build as modular as possible.
- Fully Responsive & Mobile Specific Features
- jQuery 1.7 – jQuery 2.x Supported
- Lightning Fast Greensock Animation Engine
- Powerful API functions
- Smart Font Loading
General Options
We want Revolution Slider to be able to fulfill all slide based roles along with special functionality like carousels and hero blocks. If you can’t find a specific feature, feel free to ask us!
- Hero, Carousel and Classic Slider Features
- All Sizes Possible (Full Responsive + Revolutionary 4 Level Advanced Sizes)
- Fullwidth, Fullscreen, Auto Responsive Slider sizes
- Unlimited Sliders per page
- Image BG Cover, Contain, Tiled, Alignment, etc.
- WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor
- Published / Unpublished Slides
- Publish slides based on predefined Dates
- Simple and Advanced Lazy Loading for Faster and SEO Optimized Slider Start
- Link and Actions on Slides
- Parallax Effects, full customizeable, combine with Ken Burns and other effects (Mouse / Scroll controlled)
- Improved Light weight Ken Burns Effects (easier & faster)
- World Premiere for advanced Action Building
- Build Social Stream based Sliders
- Quick and Easy building based on Slider, Slide and Layer Templates
- Performance Monitor and better Performance Suggestions
- Viewport based Slide Loading and Progress
- Create Slider Defaults, Reset, overwrite single Settings due all slides
- Save Slide, Slider, Layer, Animation as Template
Layer Capabilities
Layers have evolved from simple layers to become powerful scene building tools!
Drag and Drop, Customize & Animate your way to your perfect slider.
- Animation Builder
- Huge Number of Possible Transitions
- Create your custom animations
- Set Start / End Time, Speed, Ease and Effects of any Layers
- Show/hide layers on Slider Effects, Events, Actions
- Add Unlimited Number of Layers
- YouTube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos, Shapes, Buttons, Predefined Buttons as Layer
- Set actions and links per Layers
- Combine Actions over different Layers and slides
- Option to Link to a Specific Slide via Layer
- Toggle Animation, Classes, video functions via Layers
- Variable Layer Image Sizes, full responsive and/or Device Size based
- Design your Layers for different Device sizes after your needs
- Option to Hide Layers on Any Devices
Slider Navigation
We have implemented almost all navigation types you can think of, which can be aligned anywhere on the stage.
Be in full control with Slider Revolution Navigation!
- Bullet, Button, Tabs and Thumbnail Navigation, single or mixed mode. Any position like outter,inner, aligned etc.
- Left/Right, Top/Bottom Mouse Scroll events.
- Vertical/Horizontal Keyboard actions
- Mobile Touch Enabled (Optional)
- Drag and Pull Carousel Feature
- “Stop Slide Timer on Hover” Function
- Auto-Hiding of Navigation with Delay Option
- Optional Countdown Timer Line
- Set position, color, size of Time Line
- Set size, visibility, amount and behaviour of Thumbs, Tabs, Bullets, Arrows
- Hide / Enable Navigation on Mobile Devices
- Keyboard Navigation
- Fancy Navigation Skins with Slider Preview
Video Features
- AutoPlay – Always, only first time, skip first time, wait for action
- Stop video on Blur, Play Video only in ViewPort
- Rewind, or keep current progress time
- Set Start and End time
- Loop, “Loop and Progress” Slide
- Fullscreen, fullwidth, boxed
- Navigation features
- Action based control (through other layers)
- New Video API, Events and Methods to controll media outside of the Slider
Content Sources
Slider Revolution is not just your ordinary image & video slider any longer. Now you can also pull the sliders content from popular social media steams.
- Custom-Build Content
- WordPress Posts
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Flickr
- (WooCommerce: Coming Soon!)
Get Involved!
Is there a feature you would like to see?
We will go through all your feedback weekly and pick the most requested features to be included in a future update!
Contact us via our Profile Form
Press Commentary
“Revolution Slider is an all around awesome plugin, and would be a solid addition to any site.”
”…all I can say is WOW. I can honestly say that I haven’t had as much fun with, or been blown away by the quality and experience of any plugin/slider/website building tool in…ever??”
(Webdsignandsuch.com – “A look at the Revolution Slider – Steve Jobs would be proud”)
“This is my favourite Slider plugin right now – props to Theme Punch for bringing us this one.”
(Blogging Wizard)
“I thoroughly enjoyed testing and using this plugin, and highly recommend it to all those of you who are looking for a slider plugin, especially if you plan to include some layer-based animation features to your slides.”
(WP Mayor)
Recommendation #1
- Best WordPress Plugins – Digital Trends
- 30+ Useful WordPress Slider Plugins – Creative Can
- 35+ Premium WordPress Plugins – To Put You A Step Ahead – Tripwire Magazin
- 80 Amazing jQuery Slider and Carousel Plugins – Creative Can
- 30+ jQuery Image Slider Plugins and Tutorials – Tripwire Magazin
- 25+ Cool WordPress Slider Plugins – Creative Can
Usage in Themeforest Themes
If you want to use Slider Revolution in your Theme here on ThemeForest purchase ONE extended license for EACH theme (as long as there is no Developer License available) you put on the marketplace! If you have questions about this agreement please
Contact us Here
Ressources / Credits
- iPhone 6 Plus Psd Vector Mockup
- Psd iPad Air 2 Vector Mockup
- The New MacBook Psd Mockup
- Stroke 7 Icon Font Set
- 33 Trendy Retro Vintage Insignias Bundle Volume 3
Update History
Version 5.4.8 StarPath (14th June 2018)
- Updated Google Fonts List
- YouTube videos now loaded from youtube-nocookie.com
- Changed database checks to lower the query count
- Changed line endings of two svg files from CR to CRLF
- Fixed YouTube BG video not loading sometimes in the latest Chrome
- Fixed incorrect Vimeo Layer position on slide change
- Fixed WooCommerce Slider incorrectly adding all In Stock products of all categories if choosen
- Fixed WPML Slider, incorrectly using wrong language Slides in some configurations
Version StarPath (23rd May 2018)
- Added suggested privacy policy content for WP 4.9.6
- Added options for GDPR
- Added Global Setting to download Google Fonts instead of including them
- Added Global Setting to stop the inclusion of Google Fonts completely
- Fixed PHP count() warning messages occuring on latest PHP builds
- Fixed a small Visual Composer page builder issue
Version StarPath (26th April 2018)
- Fixed Video Playback Issues with Chrome Browser
- Fixed and adapted to new Instagram requirements
Version StarPath (17th March 2018)
- Fixed a Bug where a change of Slide Length in Slide General Settings negative influences Default Transition Time
- Added ”;” to themepunch.tools.min.js file to avoid issues by chaining files
- Added ”;” to Slider Initialisation to avoid issues by minimising files
- Fixed ForceRewind Video option, which will now reset Video Position before the Layer shown to avoid Frame jumps
- Fixed and adapted to new Instagram API result format
Version StarPath (17th February 2018)
- Further fixes for DOMContentLoaded issues where document height was not well calculated at start
Version 5.4.7 StarPath (1st February 2018)
- Fixed DOMContentLoaded issues and extended with fall back on Document Ready State to support Deferred
- Fixed Instagram Author not displaying correctly
Version StarPath (26th January 2018)
- Removed create_function() to retrieve compatibility with latest PHP versions
- Fixed Instagram Content/Title/Author not displaying correctly
Version StarPath (18th January 2018)
- Fixed Safari 11.0 HTML5 Audio File Playback on frontend
- Fixed Twitter Content Text not displaying
Version StarPath (29th November 2017)
- Added ability to display Static Layers behind Slide content
- Added CSS pointer-events option for Slide Layers
- Now fetching higher quality YouTube Video Poster
- Fixed remaining Vimeo Video API Issues
- Fixed Color Picker Widget Display Issue
- Fixed HTML5 Audio issue for Safari 11
- Fixed revapi.revstart() issue
- Fixed Twitter Image issue with tweets over 168 characters
Version StarPath (15/16th November 2017)
- HotFix Instagram API issue
Version StarPath (10th November 2017)
- Added “playsinline” support for Safari 11 video
- Fixed Instagram API issue
- Fixed Vimeo autoplay issue
- Fixed muted YouTube playing brief sound issue
Version StarPath (13th October 2017)
- Added action to prepare the plugin for upcoming AddOns
- Fixed text typos
Version StarPath (07th October 2017)
- Fixed TGM and general activation issues
- Fixed captions installation issue
- Fixed HTML5 Video autoplay for Safari 11
Version 5.4.6 StarPath (15th August 2017)
- Added autoplay functionality for HTML5 videos on mobile
- Added loadbalancing functionality for further stability of premium features
- CSS Issue in Backend where RevSlider Toolbar would overlap the WP Login/Logout popup in some cases
Version StarPath (5th August 2017)
- Added compatibility for Weather and 360 Degree AddOn
Version StarPath (10th June 2017)
- Fixed Color Picker PHP bug caused in old PHP versions
Version 5.4.5 StarPath (23rd May 2017)
- Set Parallax BG and Layers Speed/Delay Globally independent. 15 Levels Depth still available !
- Added Color Animation Attributes like Background and Font Color for Shape and Text Layers
- Added Brightness Filter Attribute for Idle, Hover, Start and End Animation frames to provide new Effects on Layers
- Added Grayscale, Brightness, Blur Slide Transitions in different Combinations
- Updated Google Fonts list
- Fixed HTML Export gradiants not working properly
- Fixed YouTube and Vimeo Video Rewind issue on reenter specific slides.
- Fixed Toggle FullScreen Mode where YouTube and Vimeo Videos were not Play any more
- Ken Burn Slide Effect Issues at first Slide Change has been fixed
- First Covered BG Video in some Templates and Themes were caclualted on the wrong Height Base. Issue is fixed due a double call on setSize at preparing the Video
- Safari Scroll, 3D and Blur Effects with missing layers Bug has been fixed by adding a preserve-3d transform style on Parallax Wrap level to the current layers
- Image Filters on Ken Burn Animated BG Elements are working now fine. FireFox is still a bit Laggy if CSS Filters are enabled on Ken Burn Elements
- Fixed Responsive Levels not working properly in certain constellations
- Fixed Background Default Volume Settings in Backend
- Fixed Rotation issues on Slide Main Image transitions (like Box Slot Animation Rotated)
- Updaed Colorpicker JS to fix some issues with Progress Bar.
- Fixed HTML5 volume not beeing written
Version StarPath (9th May 2017)
- Added action revslider_preview_slider_footer to be used by new AddOn Before/After
- Changed Google Fonts | to %7C for HTML/CSS Validation
- Fixed several typos
Version StarPath (25th April 2017)
- Typo in API descriptions removed
- Fixed Slider/Slide Preview not working properly in 5.4.3
- Fixed Export to HTML missing some JavaScript in 5.4.3
- Added further WooCommerce 3.0+ compatibility with Out of Stock and Featured management
Version 5.4.3 StarPath (21th April 2017)
- Introducing jQuery.fn.getRSVersion() and jQuery.fn.getRSVersion(true) functions to get Core and all Loded Module Version numbers.
- Added WooCommerce compatibility for 3.0+
- Fixed Several Typos
- Fixed Instagram bug, where Slides would not show if maximum entries are higher than what was fetched
- Fixed Deep Linking in Carousel Slider
- Fixed Issue where YouTube Video Background in Pause / End Mode shows the Default YouTube Cover image instead of the Predefined poster Image
- Fixed Wrong Navigation Direction / Thumbnail Images on Arrow Navigation in some kind of Cases
- Fixed Disable on Mobile not working if Slider was added through a Widget
Version 5.4.2 StarPath (08th April 2017)
- InLine Play of HTML5 Videos on Android and on iOS are supported
- New Content Source “Current Post/Page”
- New Author Information Metas for Post Sliders
- Fixed FadeFromRight Animation
- Fixed RevKill() Bugs and updated Focus/Blur features which will only triggered once. Blur Focus Listener will also called once per DOM instead of per Slider
- Fixed Columns Margin calculation. Columns now can be perfectly spaced with the 4 level margin and padding attributes
- Fixed Column BG Animation and Position Calculations.
- Fixed Facebook API Issue
Version 5.4.1 StarPath (28th February 2017)
- Fixed Colorpicker Issues where wrong old Color values broke the Convert process and negative influenced the Slide Editor
- Fixed Scroll Below bugs
Version 5.4 StarPath (22nd February 2017)
- Added Blur Effect on Ken Burn Animation. Start and End Value can be defined
- Added Letter Spacing on Multiple Levels
- Introducing new Layer animations: Block Animation (left,right,top,bottom)
- Introducing a new Color Picker which allows to pick Alpha Values and Gradient Colors as well
- Communication with ThemePunch servers now only via SSL
- Added a feature to allow autoplay HTML5 Videos on Android Devices also
- Added SEO follow/nofollow option to simple link actions
- Added Split Animation Direction like forwards, backwards, middle to edge, edge to middle, random
- Random Split Transitions will calculate on demand Random values per Splitted element
- Added Split Animation Cycles to create Animation patterns on Splitted elements
- Introducing new AddOn “Slicey”
- Introducing new AddOn “FilmStrip”
- Introducing new AddOn “Jason Posts”
- Introducing new AddOn “Login Page Slider”
- Introducing new AddOn “404 Page”
- Introducing new AddOn “Post Featured Slider”
- Added a new Option to enable/disable Desktop Swipe functions. This will allow you to enable Swipe on Mobile Devices, and still make Content Selectable on Desktop Systems
- Fixed an Issue where Template Slides could not be added due the Slide Editor due some License Code issues
- Fixed some GUI Issues
- Slider Embed Option was not available on New WP Pages. TinyMCE Issues has been solved
- Fixed Bug with Slider Alias will not save
- Issues with background image url in export files has been fixed
- Extended Max. Slide Time to Unlimited
- Fixed Slide Timeline Bar Visual Effect on Slide Length change event
- Bug fixed where “Split Out Animation” breaks none “Split In Animation” on Layers
- Fixed bugs with SVG Stroke Animation / Coloring on Simple Idle, and on Idle/Hover status
- Group Embeded Layer Timing issues has been fixed. Out / In Animation Time points were wrong calculated in some kind of cases
Version StarPath (5th January 2017)
- Introducing placeholders to gallery sliders (already available for post/stream sources)
- Added Ease and Speed to Scroll Below Action to make individual Scroll Effects
- Slide Link was not linking to the correct Slides in some cases.
- Slide Link was not visible at start
- Fixed Bug in “Add New” Page/Post, Slider Selector overview in Visual Composer not working properly
- Fixed no “Add RevSlider” icon in WP Editor for new posts/pages
- Fixed CSS Navigation bug where under certain circumstances CSS ID’s were wrongy added
- Fixed bug where custom navigation settings might not get correctly stripslashed()
- Fixed for $add_static is not defined
Version StarPath (10th December 2016)
- Added option to delete User Slide Templates
- Layout of Sticky Layers Settings has been changed
- Removed unneeded CSS Lines and minified the CSS Export of settings.css
- Fixed an issue where static element Position Calculation was broken in some kind of cases
- Fixed an issue where inline styled Content lost its FontWeight, Line Height and Font Size in some kind of cases
- Fixed an incomatability with our Blank Fullwidth Template and WordPress 4.7
- Fixed a Rendering issue with Row Oversizing in case Image element added into Columns
- Fixed “Child Elements Responsive” to stay at “off” after Slide Editor reload
- ID of Wrapper Elements added via Option was not available on Frontend
- Fixed date selector for Visible From/To z-index issue
- Fixed Layer Action issues where multiple Actions on same Layer was not recognised on FrontEnd
- Fixed Border issues on Buttons
- Loading of Video Elements in Rows driven by Actions was not Showing up in some kind of rare cases
Version StarPath (8th December 2016)
- Merged Google Font loading into less calls
- Removed unneeded CSS Lines and minified the CSS Export of settings.css
- Hidden “Max Width” field is available in Auto Mode again
- Fixed notice in output.class.php for certain Sliders
- Fixed a strange Effect on Scroll where Stick Style Menu was not clearly docked on the top, but was flickering before docking
Version 5.3.1 StarPath (1st December 2016)
- Added option to show layers on all Slides in Carousel mode
- Added option to use YouTube video cover for YouTube video background on slides
- Added box-shadow:none css default settings on a tags within the Layers to avoid WordPress Basic Theme borders
- New Option added to fade Out Hero Content optional when Parallax Scroll activated, like Slider BG, Layer, Static Layer, Parallax Layer
- Added an option to set the Group Sizes by %. Content of Groups can be set also % based
- Added new Option for Easing and Speed of Carousel Slides
- Added an option which allows to show Carousel first in Viewport.
- Added option for layers to add an tabindex.
- Added Version Checking for Loaded Modules and some function to handle Cache issues
- Redesigned the Import Process of Slider and Slide Templates
- Carousel Slides will always fade in first without a Start Slide effect which was annoying in some kind of situations
- Carousel Slider will act on Swipe even due Clickable elements
- Extended Idle/Hover Style Editor in Slide Editor mode for quicker work processes
- jQuery and Slider CSS Editor also available due Slide Editor mode to simplfy the Slide building processes
- Static/Global Styles are now obsolete
- Font Awesome Library Updated to 4.7.0
- Fixed Image Filter issues related to Slide Changes
- Fixed Slide Transitions where Transion should happen based on the Slide Direction
- Flickering issue by Static Layers with Action fixed
- Fixed an issue where Quick and Long LAyer Actions made Layers unavailable
- Fixed Order issues on Row Duplication
- RTL Backend Issues with the new Objet Library has been fixed
- Fixed missing Styles after Hovering Layers in Firefox
- Toggled Content without Action was not swapping its Toggled Status. Issue is fixed now
- Fixed Grid Based Static Layer Positions in Carousel Sliders
- Fixed Issue where adding New Layer due Context menu was broken
- Fixed Backend Margin calculation issue on Backend. Frontend and Backend was behaving differently. Now Frontend view covers backend view
- Fixed Split Animation not beeing written in some cases for the out animation
- Fixed Export to HTML issue with background images creating HTML an error
- Fixed Global CSS not opening
- Fixed rare Slider Import bug
- Fixed border-width not saving correctly in Style Templates
- Fixed warning in not existing pages caused by Slider Revolution
- Fixed the Row / Column / InnerLayer Timing in Backend and in Frontend
- Split Animation did not change the Timeline Behaviours directly. This has been fixed now
- Hover on SVG Elements was not coloring well the Idle or Hover status has been fixed
- Fixed installation warning that could occur in certain installations
- Fixed layer video cover not showing in Slide Editor for imported Slider
- Fixed Slider Pack import sometimes having wrong orders in created Draft Page
- Layers other than text no longer have “Open Sans” as font-family as default
- Replace Image URL’s now properly working with Static Layers
- Fixed a problem where Sliders with Full Slide link in Carousel and in some special mode had issues with the Full Slide Link layer
- Static Layer issues with Invisible Slides where Static Layers were not disappearing on Unvisible Slides on demenad
- Fixed WhiteBoard’s multiple “Hand” issue
- Fixed Hover / Idle issues where quick focus/blur events would not remove the Hover animation effects from the layers
Version StarPath (26th October 2016)
- Fixed Syntax and Logical Issues like Removing a Slide from Slider based on the Feedback of Sébastien Ledan (http://dotevo.com)! Thank you for the great Feedbacks and Suggestions
- Fixed Slider disappearing in IE11 if Parallax Mode is activated. Double parameter definition in Animation Engine has been fixed
- Fixed an issue where all extension modules should be loaded at once. Folder Name in Path has been renamed from extension to extensions
- Fixed PHP7 issue: “Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings”
- Fixed preview issue where the Slide Editor was not working properly after opening and closing the preview
- Fixed preview in Slide Editor, to show the current changes made without saving the Slide
- Fixed an issue where cross referencing Static Layers were disappeared
- Disappearing elements on Drag & Drop in Slide Editor has been fixed
Version StarPath (22th October 2016)
- Fixed an issue where in Viewpoint Scrolled Slides did not start straight but with a small delay
- Fixed Restarted Static Layers which are animating on each Slide if Start time was smaller than 100ms
- Fixed Warning: Illegal string offset ‘width’ in […] object-library.class.php on line 994
- Fixed Global Settings getting reset in certain cases. Which ultimately causes for some customers blank Sliders as the JavaScript files are no longer loaded in the footer
- Fixed bug where actions in Static Layers could be lost after saving
Version 5.3.0 StarPath (20/21th October 2016)
- New Brasilian/Portuguese translation added! Special thanks to Diego Fernandes
- Introducing Rows and Columns as Layer Groups
- Added Layer Groups for logical and physical grouping of Layers.
- Animations are now allowed in multiple levels for Groups, Rows, Columns and wrapped Layers
- Added Margin for relative Layers (Columns, Rows, Layers in Columns)
- Rows can be sorted within Top, Middle and Bottom Containers
- Added Post ID {{id}} into the Meta List
- Added Layer Background Images for Text, Column, Row, Group and Shape
- Added Instagram Image Filtering for Slide Backgrounds
- Slides will receive an Auto Height with Rows and Columns
- Introducing Right Click Content Menu on Layers and BG in Slide Editor for quick Edit mode and shortcuts
- Introducing the Object Library with dozens of new Images, BG Images and Objects
- Added Font Icons to Object Library for quicker icon selection within a Text Layer
- Copy/Paste Layer styles easily from one Layer to the other
- Selecting more than one Layer, to move them together, now available
- Introducing logical grouping of Layers
- Added CSS Blend Modes for Text Layer to get some exclusive effects on backgrounds. (Will not work with older IE Browser)
- Easy Editing and Movement of Groups and Layers in Groups
- Added CTRL / CMD + Click function to enable multiple selections
- Added device based level for Spacings like Paddings, Margins, Text-Aligns which can be set now individual based on Responsive Level
- Added Ken Burns Live Editor
- Added option to include all Slider Revolution JavaScript libraries on page load
- Added new option on Slider Import, to be able to create blank pages with the Slider inside
- Improved loading speed at Slider Overview
- Changed Timeline Interface for better and easier Time Settings
- Add-On Deactivation Button more visual
- Changed Button Hover feature to allow Hover during the Layer Animation already. Direct feedback from Button to customer
- Changed the Layer Animation Core. Introducing Timeline feature which will allow build multiple frames within one Layer Animation
- Improved the Timeline functionality
- Fixed Template and Object Library Loading methods to improve the Loading speed of Background Edit Modes
- Further WPML improvements
- Removed deprecated function, removed with PHP 7
- Padding, Margin and Text Align are now saved for all devices on saving a style
- Improved Google Font loading by removing duplicated inclusions
- Fixed Slot Animation Issues where Slot Amount was ignored in Fade Slots Tranitions
- Fixed issue where Layer On Complete Event was triggered twice on Slide Changes. This had negative influence i.e. on Add Ons like White Board
- Fixed SVG Resizing issues in the Slide Editor after changing SVG Source of an Object Layer
- Fixed Dotted Overlays issues on Slides
- Fixed CTRL+S (CMD+S) Quick save functions
- Fixed Image Size and Aspect Ratio issues in Slide Editor
- Fixed a bug where FullScreen Slider Offset Container parameter was not working with the Carousel Slider Layout
- Fixed Slide Direction Animation on HOrizontal and Vertical direction when slide change has been triggered by Mouse Scroll
- Fixed Ken Burns Issues where Horizontal and Vertical Start Offsets were not implemented well
- YouTube Playback on Mobile Phones lost Focus and lost Video after Slide Change in some rare situations has been fixed
- Fixed a YouTube Bug which was not allow to trigger YouTube Videos via Layer Action on Mobiles
- Fixed Blurry Buttons in YouTube Videos on Mobile Phones
- Issue where Pendulum Easing was ignored in frontend fixed
- Parallax effet on Background Media was not working without Existing Layer in Slide has been fixed
- Facebook Timeline Images did not show under certain circumstances before. Now they do.
Pre-Version 5.3 Update History
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