Nulled WooCommerce Currency Switcher Free Download



Nulled WooCommerce Currency Switcher Free Download

are you looking for WooCommerce Currency Switcher nulled Free Download. if yes, then you can download WooCommerce Currency Switcher right away.

WooCommerce Currency Switcher Free Download is one of the best out there. so get Nulled WooCommerce Currency Switcher Free Download


Nulled WooCommerce Currency Switcher Free Download

WooCommerce Currency Switcher – is a WordPress plugin for WooCommerce store that allows to switch products prices and get their rates converted in the real time on your WooCommerce store site – a must have plugin for your WooCommerce powered online store! Ideal solution to make an online store in multiple currencies!

See demo site here

Compatible with WooCommerce from v.2.6.0 to v.3.4.x

Woocommerce Currency Switcher

You can use currencies aggregators to get rates converted or just by hands.

Customers can pay in theirs selected currency

Currency Switcher is available as a widget and works in any widgetized area, for flexibility the shortcode option is also available -> [woocs].

On the front end, Currency Switcher can be presented in 5 different ways: ddslick, chosen, wSelect, simple drop-down, flags.

2 additional AJAXED widgets/shortcodes – currency converter and currencies rates.


Install the plugin simply just now without purchasing!

  • Go to your site plugins page
  • Press “Add new Plugin” button
  • In the search input write next string: WOOCS
  • You will see WooCommerce Currency Switcher – Install and activate it!
  • Use it for free if 2 currencies is enough for your site
  • Read this if you want let your customers pay in theirs selected currency
  • Troubles? Issues? Do you need something specific? ASK SUPPORT HERE AND WITHIN 24H YOU WILL GET THE ANSWER!

Woocommerce Currency Switcher free version


  • Compatible – from WooCommerce 2.6.x to WooCommerce 3.4.x
  • 3 Widgets and Shortcodes – [woocs]
  • Currency switcher as drop-downs, flags, side switcher
  • Customers can pay in theirs selected currency
  • You can insert shortcode [woocs] in any place of your site
  • Works fine when cache plugin activated on your site (enable ‘I am using cache plugin on my site’ option)
  • The customer are allowed to pay in the selected currency (enable option ‘Is multiple allowed’)
  • 2 more additional AJAXED widgets: currencies rates & currencies converter
  • 2 more additional AJAXED shortcodes: [woocs_rates exclude=”” precision=2] & [woocs_converter exclude=”” precision=2]


  • Set price format which fit your needs: decimals count, sign, custom sign, sign position (4 variants)
  • For each currency set its own decimals count after comma, so BTC is not the problem with this plugin
  • Show or hide cents for each currency optionally
  • Add your own money signs (which even not exists) and use them
  • Possibility to use any currency, EVEN custom currency which doesn’t exists in the reality
  • Individual fixed prices rules for each product
  • Fixed minimum amount for FREE delivery for each currency
  • Fixed minimum amount for shipping for each currency
  • Fixed amount for coupons for each currency
  • Fixed minimum and maximum coupon verification amount for each currency
  • Currencies rate auto update option with aggregators: hourly, twicedaily, daily, weekly, monthly
  • Possible to set rate manually
  • Email notice about “Rate auto update” results (optionally)


  • Individual GeoIP rules for each product
  • GeoLocation functionality by IP using WooCommerce native PHP class WC_Geolocation which allows to detect new site visitor native currency
  • GeoLocation functionality also allows to set different prices to different countries!!
  • GeoLocation functionality also allows Approximate price/amount in the user native currency (optionally)
  • GeoLocation functionality also allows checkout by GeoIP rules – if in geo rules selected currency for any country – user will pay only in that currency on checkout


  • Ability to set order of currencies through admin panel by mouse
  • Possibility to add new orders by hands in any currency!
  • Native WooCommerce PayPal gate ready!
  • Possibility to set flag for each currency
  • Possibility to show the visitors the approximate price in their currency on checkout (enable “Show approx. amount”)
  • 4 kinds of drop-downs to show currency switcher on the front + as flag images + Side switcher
  • The plugin understand currency in the site link as:
  • Easy to use for administrators and shop customers – all options are on one page


  • Compatible with WooCommerce Extra Product Options by themecomplete
  • Compatible with Product Options for WooCommerce – WordPress Plugin by WPShowCase
  • Compatible with Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce by bolderelements
  • Compatible with – WooCommerce Stripe Gateway by woothemes
  • Compatible with – PayPal for WooCommerce by angelleye
  • Compatible with – WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips
  • Compatible with – with a lot of payment gates for 90%. Try please the free version before buy!
  • Above are presented some popular plugins, not all, so if you want to know is WOOCS compatible with all plugins installed on your site try free version
  • Also we have FREE program for making plugins compatible: WOOCS LABS
  • Read more here:


Woocommerce Currency Switcher backend


If you need currency switcher for NON-WooCommerce site, take it as a GIFT with WooCommerce Currency Switcher: premium plugin WordPress Currency Switcher!!
WordPress Currency Switcher

Watch the video to see the plugin options and its in action

WooCommerce Currency Switcher video

Woocommerce Currency Switcher

Woocommerce Currency Switcher documentation

Woocommerce Currency Switcher
Woocommerce Currency Switcher

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Woocommerce Currency Switcher review
Woocommerce Currency Switcher review
Woocommerce Currency Switcher review
Woocommerce Currency Switcher review

v.2.2.5 (29-06-2018)
    - minor fixes, removed some notices

v.2.2.4 (17-04-2018)

v.2.2.3 (07-02-2018)
    - adaptation for woocommerce 3.3.1

v.2.2.2 (30-01-2018)

v.2.2.1 (17-11-2017)

v.2.2.0 (06-09-2017)

v.2.1.9 (04-04-2017)
    - Heap of small bugs fixed
    - A lot of code was remade to make WooCommerce 3.0.0 and WOOCS compatible

v.2.1.8 (09-12-2016)

v.2.1.7 (27-07-2016)
    - Heap of small bugs fixed
    - - resolved
    - new option in the currencies settings: Decimals
    - new hook: woocs_drop_down_view
    - advanced API doc:

v.2.1.6 (20-05-2016)
    - Heap of small bugs fixed
    - new hook woocs_price_html_tail
    - Approx. value on cart and chekout page in the currency of customer (in multiple mode only+geoip enabled)
    - new hook woocs_get_approximate_amount_text

v. (18-02-2016)
    - Geo Location troubles fixed

v. (16-02-2016)
    - Closed XSS vulnerability. Thanks to Ben Khlifa Fahmi ; Founder & CEO of BenkhlifaExploit Founder & Pentester at Tunisian Whitehats Security

v.2.1.5 (12-01-2016)
    - Some little fixes
    - New button in order to convert oder data to basic currency amounts
    - New shortcode: [woocs_show_current_currency text="" currency="" flag=1 code=1]
    - New shortcode: [woocs_show_custom_price value=20] -> price in selected currency for txt-adv-banners
    - New option: Prices without cents
    - New option: Hide switcher on checkout page
    - New option: I am using cache plugin for my site
    - New filter: add_filter('woof_custom_format', 'my_woof_custom_format', 999, 2); - Any manipulation with price format
    - Hint: wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=woocs&woocs_reset=1 - reset currency options - be care
    - Improved: cron periods added - weekly, monthly

v.2.1.4 (09-09-2015)
    - WordPress 4.3 small adaptation - using __construct in the widget, previous widget-API was deprecated
    - added price popup on the front near each price optionally
    - added in body implemented currency css class. Example: currency-eur
    - added currency agregator for Russian Centrobank - asked by customers from Russia

v.2.1.3 (15-08-2015)
    - compatibility for woocommerce 2.4
    - added storage optionally, transient for sites which can work with session normally because of server options
    - added new drop-down wselect ->
    - in shortcode [woocs] and currency switcher widget added new option txt_type which allows show currency description in drop-down instead of its code

v.2.1.2 (23-07-2015)
    - some small bugs fixed
    - dark chosen implemented

v.2.1.1 (21-07-2015)
    - some small bugs fixed
    - done a lot to make compatibility higher

v.2.1.0 (16-07-2015)
    - 1 bad logic bug fixed, which not recount prices in multiple mode
    - AJAX refresh of mini cart fixed, now its ok

v.2.0.9 (29-05-2015)
    - a lot of small bugs fixed and a lot of code were rewritten
    - compatibility with 90% of currency gates implemented
    - added widget and shortcode - currency rates [woocs_rates exclude="GBP,AUD" precision=2]
    - added widget and shortcode - currency convertor [woocs_converter exclude="GBP,AUD" precision=2]
    - 1 eur is: [woocs_get_sign_rate sign=UAH] - simple shortcode to show currency rate relationaly of basic
    - $val = apply_filters('woocs_exchange_value', $val); -> filter for developers for conversion from basic to current currency

v.2.0.8 (22-03-2015)
    - YAHOO agregator functionality fixed
    - Index of the premium version changed to 2
    - Custom price format options added in the plugin settings: __PRICE__ (__CODE__)

v.1.0.7 (07-03-2015)
    - some of little bugs from customers fixed + paypal amount gross error
    - New feature: for each currency option - removing cents on front

v.1.0.6 (18-02-2015)
    - heap of bugs from customers fixed
    - Currency can be changed automatically according to visitor’s IP using woo WC_Geolocation class
    - New mode: Show only the flags of the countries instead of a dropdown

v.1.0.5 (13-12-2014)
    - heap of bugs from customers fixed
    - adaptation for woocommerce 2.3.x

v.1.0.4 (20-09-2014)
    - bugs fixed
    - synchronization with native woo price slider
    - removing cents from JPY
    - added new options in settings: Show/Hide flags by default, Show/Hide money signs
    - added shortcode [woocs_get_sign_rate sign=EUR] relative of basic currency

v. (10-09-2014)
    - heap of bugs with tax fixed
    - Ability to understand links with currency:

v.1.0.3 (21-08-2014)
    - heap of bugs fixed
    - WooCommerce shopping card widget fix
    - Custom money signs option
    - Currencies rate auto update option by cron
    - Ability to set order currency which were created through admin panel by hands

v.1.0.2 (12-08-2014)
    - heap of bugs fixed
    - welcome currency option
    - The customer allowed to pay in the selected currency

v.1.0.1 (04-07-2014)
    - 1 serious bug fixed: plugin affect PayPal
    - couple of small bugs

v.1.0.0 (28-06-2014)
    - release



Nulled WooCommerce Currency Switcher Free Download

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