Nulled WooCommerce Instagram Shop Free Download
are you looking for WooCommerce Instagram Shop nulled Free Download. if yes, then you can download WooCommerce Instagram Shop right away.
WooCommerce Instagram Shop Free Download is one of the best out there. so get Nulled WooCommerce Instagram Shop Free Download
Nulled WooCommerce Instagram Shop Free Download
WooCommerce Instagram Shop ? what does it do?
Well, it does exactly what you?d think from the title ? it allows to turn your instagram into a shop and connect it to your WooCommerce website products, creating Instagram Shoppable Feed.
You may have seen similar services like have2have.it or StylePick.it ? and by all means those are great services with tons of extra functionality, however they are quite expensive for a small business owner or a blogger who earns from affiliate links. That?s why we created this WooCommerce Instagram Shop which doesn?t have any recurring fees and adds extra convenience for you/your instagram visitors & subscribers to be able to purchase your instagram?ed products.
It is recommended to use with products which you want to feature and sell quickly through instagram, not for all your woocommerce products.
Instagram Visitor Flow:
1. user browses instagram and sees your instapost with text similar to this: “Super product #XYZ is on sale today! Link in our bio!”
2. user likes that product and wants to buy it, on his phone – he clicks on link in your instagram bio and lands on special page on your site which contains our shortcode.
3. that landing page will display all instaposts from your feed which have hashtags which match any product in your woocommerce (you have to add same hashtag in your instapost and add it for product in woocommerce as well).
4. user will have option to add the product to cart and checkout on your site. (It is highly recommended to have your site mobile optimized for the best user experience)
v1.8.2 released on January 24, 2018:
– added fix for non-clickable tabs/buttons in plugin dashboard
v1.8.1 released on November 9, 2017:
– added fix for non-english hashtags
– fixed few compatibility issues with latest woocommerce version
v1.8.0 released on September 9, 2017:
– adjusted CSS file to accommodate better themes compatibility
– added CURL support for obtaining Instagram token, in case allow_url_fopen is not enabled
– added CSS fixes for WooCommerce v2.6.11 and up
– added fix for Visual Builder which was causing fatal error
v1.7.3 released on December 22, 2016:
– fixed latest Instagram API issue by adding an alternative authentication method
v1.7.2 released on October 1, 2016:
– fixed API signature issue in case of more than 20 images return
– added option to select instagram image resolutions (4).
v1.7.1 released on September 27, 2016:
– fixed JavaScript bug preventing on-hover popups working with variable products
– added better instagram image resolution.
v1.7 released on September 22, 2016:
– added option to display posts in 4 and 5 columns
– fixed bug with incorrect image display.
– added more feed limit options.
– added more cache renew options.
– added few minor improvements and fixed compatibility issues with other plugins.
v1.6 released on July 4, 2016:
– added support for variable products and options
– fixed few minor bugs/issues.
v1.4 released on May 12, 2016:
– fixed instagram image limit of 20 (implemented instagram feed paging)
– added instagram feed date limit setting
– adjusted number of items dropdown
– several other small fixes
v1.3 released on April 27, 2016:
– fixed hashtag symbol issues (related to not showing instagram posts);
v1.2 released on April 14, 2016:
– fixed shortcode margins issue;
– fixed compatibility issues with several wordpress plugins;
– fixed few CSS compatibility issues;
v1.1 released on March 22, 2016:
– changed all texts to use __() and _e() wordpress functions;
– added .po/.mo files for easy translation;
– added Russian translation for plugin;
v1.0 released on March 15, 2016;
Nulled WooCommerce Instagram Shop Free Download
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