Nulled Xtocky – WooCommerce Responsive Theme Free Download
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Xtocky – WooCommerce Responsive Theme Free Download is one of the best out there. so get Nulled Xtocky – WooCommerce Responsive Theme Free Download
Nulled Xtocky – WooCommerce Responsive Theme Free Download
Xtocky Compatible with WC Vendors, WC Vendors Pro, Dokan & WC Marketplace for multi-vendor platform, Also Compatible BuddyPress
Xtocky theme support RTL Language with live RTL demo
Xtocky – is a professional WooCommerce WordPress theme, built exclusively for online shopping and It was built for your digital store, men store, women store, clothing store, electronics shop, furniture store, hi-tech store, watch store, book store, cosmetics shop, luxury jewelry, Sunglass shop, Cycling shop and accessories store…
You can choose between different header and footer, change typography, Woocommerce shop setting and blog settings and create unique page layouts with Visual Composer premium plugin, which comes free as a part of the theme.
Custom post type change according to your own slug name.
Let’s experience this awesome and to explore more features in this theme. We are sure that our Xtocky theme love in first sight.
General Features
- Absolutely no programming skills required
- Creative modern minimalistic design
- Dedicated Support
- Detailed documentation
- Video tutorials (available on YouTube)
- Drag and drop page builder
- Highly customizable
- Built with latest web technologies
- Effortless updates via Envato Toolkit
- Child theme for advanced customization
- Exclusive built-in Plugins
- Custom made WordPress widgets area
- Slider Revolution and WP-backery Visual Composer integrations
- Extensive theme settings panel
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Retina ready and high resolution
- Woocommerce full functionality control
- Tested with WordPress multisite
- Boxed And Full-width layouts
- Masonry, Mixed, Parallax and fixed layouts
- One page and multi-page
- Ultra responsive design
- Considerably improved WooCommerce widgets
- Customized layout for newsletter
- Left, right and sidebars
- Control sidebars as you want every post
- Demos with grade A in loading speed!!!
- SEO optimized
- Exceptional integration of touchable devices
- Ultra smooth and ultra efficient parallax effect
Ecommerce Featured
Shop page
- Shop Grid and list
- Ajaxified filtering
- Off-canvas toggle Sidebar Widget filter
- Product layout combination 9 different type
- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 column
- Sidebar Control
- Breadcrumbs Control
- Possible shop page slider
- Ajaxified add to cart off-canvas
- Ajaxified add to cart hover
- Ajaxified wishlist
- Product quick view
- Product compare
- Ajaxified WooCommerce pagination
- New Product base with date control
Single products
- Four different product details for different purposes
- Gallery of images
- Featured video
- Supper Zoom effect
- Variable product selection
- Size guide and Delivery return policy
- Custom tabs
- Video tabs
- Image attribute type in addition to text attribute type
- Add to product compare list
- Add to wishlist
- Social sharing
Improved shortcodes & widgets
- Product brand image and list
- Product Category image and list
- Recent products
- On-sale products shortcode
- Featured products shortcode
- Top rated products shortcode
- Product categories shortcode
- Best selling products shortcode
- Order tracking form
- Terms and conditions
Multi Vendor Supported:
- Dokan
- WC Vendors
- WC Marketplace
- Sidebar Controlling
- Profile Banner and Cover photo
- WC vendor & WC Marketplace shop page vendor label option single page after cart button
- Single page product tabs Seller details information
- Single page WC Marketplace vendor Report from option
- Other all option similar to Multi vendor demo site
- View Multi vendor demo
Without use Third Party Plugin
- Built-in WP Native Mega menu with image configure
- Built-in Instagram Widget & Shortcode
- Built-in Newsletter Popup
- Built-in Ajax Login & registration
- Built-in Product Brand
- Built-in Product single Page
- Custom tabs
- Size guide
- Built-in Custom post type slug change like Portfolio, team, testimonial
- Built-in Unlimited widgets area
- Built-in Offline page when maintenance mode
- Built-in Twitter Widget
Header and Footer
- Header
- 7 different type layout
- Category menu enable disable vertically
- Top Menu lot of featured
- WPML plugin Language Switcher main menu, and top manu configure
- WPML plugin Currency Switcher top manu configure
- Change your specific color as you want background, font color, hover color
- Footer
- Footer different type possible
- Mainly layout 3+
- You can configure as you want
- Footer bottom: Like as: center mode, 2 column mode and lot of option to configure your text image social icon
- Footer inner: Mainly you configure your widgets here: 2,3,4, column possible
- Footer inner top: Mainly you configure your widgets here: 2,3,4, column possible
- Footer inner two: Mainly you configure your widgets here: 2,3,4, column possible
- Change your specific color as you want: background, font color, hover color
Post and Page Layout
- Possible left, right and both sidebar possible
- Header
- Theme option override that page
- Logo
- header different layout
- Breadcrumb
- Theme option override that page
- Custom title
- Font size, title position etc
- Custom background image fixed, parallax
- and sizing
- Body content possible container and container fluid
- Footer
- Theme option override that page
- Copy right text
- Footer inner, inner top, inner top two possible different column and different widgets
Portfolio Layout
- Masonry and Mixed layouts
- 2,3,4,5,6 columns
- 3 different portfolio hover styles
- 4 portfolio detail layouts
- Inner portfolio detail
- Portfolio filter with 3 styles
- Project details metabox
- Social Shearing
- Custom category selection
Blog layout
- Masonry and Mixed, list layouts
- 1,2,3,4 columns
- Advance meta
- Post Image, Gallery Video, Link, Quoit Native configure WP
- Social Shearing
- Custom category selection
Support System [Max 6 to 24 Turnaround Support]
Fast and friendly support even best to other author. Ask your questions using our Ticket System on. http://www.themepiko.com/-support/ if face error issue theme send screenshot.
We would happy to help you solve any issues. If you would like to suggest a new layout, question and ideas please feel free sent me a e-mail through my profile page.
Demo site
We would happy to help you solve any issues. please feel free sent me a mail through my profile page.
- Images All Images are use only demo purpose
- PSD only Include logo(ai) Map Marker(ai)
# v1.2.0 ## June/06/18
* New Featured: Build in multi currency as you want * fix single product input field undefined index * fix theme option featued related product and upsale product turning off. * capable issue woocommerce 3.4.2 * update pikoworks core plugins version:1.2 * fix other some css
# v1.1.9 ## May/24/18
* capable issue woocommerce 3.4.0 * fix other some css
# v1.1.8 ## May/15/18
* fix some translation string * fix other some css
# v1.1.7 ## May/07/18
* fix cart and checkout page responsive 320px * fix: 320px scroll to top * fix: cart page cross sale product carousel grid 4 and display full width 6. * Added: envato market plugins remove envato toolkit plugin. * ##fix rtl image single page not showing * fix other some css
# v1.1.6 ## April/23/18
* fix image zoom effect chrome and safari browser * fix quick view thumbnail gallery image size, * fix: quick view working mobile tablet device * fix: input number quantity fix chrome browser * Added: email icon product single page. * fix other some css
# v1.1.5 ## April/08/18
* fix header layout 3 extra spacing. * fix mega menu theme option color configure hover not working . * added: variable product. product color variation image gallery * Added: cookie-notice plugin TMG bundle. * Update: revolution slider * fix other some css
# v1.1.4 ## March/21/18
* fix Instagram short-code image invalid data * fix: product bundle added to cart capability woocommerce v3.3.3. * header top menu custom area now working shortcode. * Update: visual composer & revolution slider latest version * fix other some css
# v1.1.3 ## March/04/18
* fix last updated menu layout login icon section * fix tab product shortcode product border * added new demo data RTL added (#### Capable all RTL language). * added theme file. language ar.po and ar.mo file fully capable Arabic language * capability issue woocommerce 3.3.3. * update: xtocky.pot file. * fix our some css
# v1.1.2 ## Feb/25/18
* added product cat/brand shortcode new layout2 grid * added tab product shortcode when product background gray color product layout white color * added new demo data WC vendor & buddypress. * added theme option Menu Background Image. * fix hover login registration. * fix single product out of stock product budge * fix catalog page ajax filtering onsale and in stock product. * capability issue woocommerce 3.3.3. * fix buddypress some layout css * fix WC Vendor some layout css * NB: exiting user when update theme need to update your pikoworks core plugin.
# v1.1.1 ## Feb/20/18
* fix previous update v1.1 checkout page customer login layout and coupon layout overflow. * fix mobile responsive login primary menu icon and login form icon visible. * fix mobile responsive ajax search position alignment. * fix homepage revolution slider before extra padding (no need to add class remove-header-padding). * fix the header layout 5 background color. theme option background color fix * add quick view product title link (reason customer user interface ) * fix search issues. * update theme documentation
# v1.1.0 ## Feb/14/18
* fix product category issue catalog page overlaping. * fix variable product product discount % error. * remove login page after registration login description text. * capability issue woocommerce 3.3x. * capability issue WordPress 4.9.4. *pikoworks-core plugins update v1.1
# v1.0.9 ## Jan/25/18
* fix product category description double loading. * minicart product image image hover css fix. *minicart paypal button css fix. *theme documentation updated.
# v1.0.8 ## Jan/16/18
* fix image not loading Instagram Widgets, and Visual composer shortcode. * 404 page allow custom html from theme option. * added file: style.min.css (Directory: xtocky->style.min.css). * update revolution slider latest version. * update dummy data. * added shop page slider custom html data (demo content folder .txt file). * fix php notice error when core plugin not active.
# v1.0.7 ## Dec/17/17
* fix banner button link not working * quick view input number not working | checkout after Ajax complete input number not working * Quick view slider remove dot. added arrow and image fixed product details scroll. * fix theme option color piker admin area css. * Search Ajax result menu layout 4 extra padding fix ##Product single page tabs layout Description active theme option added featured ## updated latest js_composer v 5.4.5 plugin
# v1.0.6 ## Dec/10/17
*input field, placeholder text overlaying (checkout page), ajax login and register . fix. * remove icon check out page. * fix header layout 4 extra padding. * Successfully order page design improve. * Variable Product Schedule countdown 3 column layout fix. ##Multi Vendor: WC Vendor : mini cart vendor name layout fix
# v1.0.5 ## Nov/19/17
## New demo include multi vendor plugin. ##capability: *WordPress Capable 4.9 *WooCommerce Latest version *update plugin visual composer 5.4.4 ##added New featured. *Shop page ajax navigation *Shop price filter ajax *Stock product & Onsale product ajax filter. ##fix *if woocommerce plugin deacitve get error *vertical menu not showing mobile view. *menu 4 layout responsive issue. search option 320px *All menu layout small screen ajax search button *fix dokan muli vendor plugin responsive issue. *fix checkout page unexpected cross sale product overlaying *fix unexpected widget coming shop page. *fix product layout. when multiple category coming each product ##improve: fix other some css
# v1.0.4 ## Nov/15/17
##BuddyPress Support Xtocky theme now. ##French Language: fr_FR.po, fr_FR.mo file inlcude. ##Product page Ajax Page Navigation without loading page. ##fix *product layout 2 fix js when ajax load complete. ##improve: fix other some css
# v1.0.3 ## Nov/12/17
##Login with social button like as: facebook, Twitter, Gmail. ##Yith Ajax product filter working like as, color, size, price without page loading. ##fix *checkout page Total, shopping row not working border line. added vendor prefix *Quick view product modal not size guid image working. *fix button product layout2 variable product ajax cart loading fix *fix filter widget brand product not showing. ##improve: fix other some css
# v1.0.2 ## Nov/08/17
##Added New demo Jewelry ##Added new featured *single product page product brand logo description, title left or right sidebar. enable or disable theme option *single product page product summary after title added brand logo image. enable or disable theme option ##fix *manu layout 4,5 if container width set disable search menu. *manu layout 4,5 adjust ajax content display position. *Ajax search mobile showing single column. *mobile logo adjustment not working . *mobile logo adjustment not working . *normal mini cart cart checkout and cart button not working fix js ##Supported WooCommerce multi vendor Plugins 1. WC Vendor & WC Vendor pro 2. WC Marketplace 3. Dokan light & Dokan Pro ##improve fix other some css
- Initial Release
Nulled Xtocky – WooCommerce Responsive Theme Free Download
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